I've been seeing lower than usual resting ocv this winter, compared to last. Figured it was either wear and tear, too high a charging voltage, or a parasitic draw.
So I tried throwing a lower voltage charge on the bank, to see if that would make any difference, as I know my four 6's prefer to be topped off at less than 15v (t.c.). On Tuesday Feb 3rd, ocv was 12.71 (use to hold strong at 12.78v, last winter), so I topped them up to within 1a @ 14.6v. But before I could give them a week or two to see the results, ocv suddenly plummeted.
Wed, ocv was 13.08. Fri, ocv was 12.88. Sat, ocv was 12.84.
On Saturday I re-wired the bank, c/w new bus bars, and hooked everything up as it would normally be, including the Trimetric, but just no fridge controls, and the cables from the charger were hooked to the bank, but not to the charger. These two cable ends were wrapped with cloth and taped with electrical tape, so they could not short out in the charger cabinet.
Mon, ocv was only 12.54!
So, I checked across all four 6v's, and voltages were all within 0.01v; all in the ~6.27v range. I confirmed the ocv with the trimetric (was rounded up to 12.6v, which is normal for the Trimetric). I switched it to amps, and the Trimetric said 0.00 amps draw. Ah's used was zero, as well. SOC was 100%. I also checked all connections.
So, I hooked up the pm4b-45, and voltage immediately rose to the bulk setting, and amps quickly tapered from 45a to 4a in 15 minutes. So, clearly the bank was full, or at least very near full. But according to the resting ocv, the bank should have been in the 75% soc range, and down at least 100 Ah's.
So why did I get a 12.54v reading on full batts???