myredracer wrote:
pianotuna wrote:
These are a nice meter to monitor the 120 volt side of the RV:
Just wondering out loud... Is that CSA/UL listed? The voltmeter portion would not be an issue but a C/T in a circuit could potentially be (as noted above).
I permanently mounted an LED ammeter on the wall using a Datel mini panel meter with integral CT (full scale is 5 amps) and a remote 50/5 C/T similar to the 2nd photo to be able to read 30 amps. Datel meters aren't cheap but I found a deal on one on ebay...
FWIW, I rarely ever see much above 15 amps. A permanent LED voltmeter is def. one of the best upgrades you can ever do!

Doubt much if any of these low cost meters/CTs are CSA/UL tested and approved, just costs way too much to go through the certification processes (I work in a design/manufacturing environment, we do have to jump through a lot of hoops to get our products CSA/UL approved and the testing IS expensive and involved)..
Those costs are not absorbed by the manufacturer, they are handed down to the consumer in the form of higher prices.
The ones I have bought, have no CSA/UL markings.
Personally, unless you ARE building something to sell to "the masses" and you follow good electrical hygiene (enclose in proper electrical box, fuse the power leads, ect), those certs are not really needed..