Sep-26-2022 09:05 AM
Jan-01-2023 06:32 PM
Dec-31-2022 08:18 PM
Dec-31-2022 03:52 PM
Dec-31-2022 03:46 PM
Oct-13-2022 09:54 AM
Bobbo wrote:
When my PD4645 goes into boost mode, I read 14.4 volts AT THE CONVERTER. At the same time, I read 13.(something) AT THE BATTERY. The battery voltage slowly rises to the 14.4v level. When it reaches 14.4v, the PD drops to 13.6v for bulk charging.
So, even if the converter/charger is putting out 14.4v, depending on where you read the voltage, you may or may not read 14.4v. (However, I agree that the WFCO is infamous for never going into boost mode.)
Oct-13-2022 07:30 AM
Oct-13-2022 03:36 AM
Oct-12-2022 06:16 PM
Oct-12-2022 02:12 PM
Oct-12-2022 10:15 AM
time2roll wrote:sparkydave wrote:The best lies have a figment of truth. Yes if the charging system is producing 14.4 volts it may not be seen immediately. Charging at 14.4v & 55+ amps the voltage will rise very soon to 14.4 volts at the converter and maybe a little less direct on the battery terminals.
Strange thing is the manual cryptically says "although the converter is outputting 14.4 VDC, you will not be able to read that on a voltmeter due to the voltage-current relationship".
The WFCO trigger is to get voltage at the converter to sag down lower than 13.0 volts during the first minute of charging. This is virtually impassible without imposing a large load on the battery as stated above. If I hit my system with a 100+ amp load from the inverter for a few seconds the WFCO will go to boost mode every time.
To the OP: The 25 amp portable charger is an excellent solution and should serve you well.
Oct-12-2022 06:46 AM
sparkydave wrote:The best lies have a figment of truth. Yes if the charging system is producing 14.4 volts it may not be seen immediately. Charging at 14.4v & 55+ amps the voltage will rise very soon to 14.4 volts at the converter and maybe a little less direct on the battery terminals.
Strange thing is the manual cryptically says "although the converter is outputting 14.4 VDC, you will not be able to read that on a voltmeter due to the voltage-current relationship".
Oct-12-2022 06:14 AM
Sep-27-2022 04:41 AM
Sep-26-2022 09:52 PM
mooky stinks wrote:
I have a WFCO-8955 (55 amp) that absolutely will not go into bulk mode even though it’s a 3 stage converter. Not sure if it’s inadequate wiring or an inadequate converter. It’s always 13.6-13.8 no matter the state of charge of the batteries. What I’d like to know is how many amps is it putting out in this mode. And don’t tell me 55 because we all know that ain’t possible! ??