I just bought a new Group 27 for one side of my battery bank.... The old one appeard to be drawing current when it should not and only showed 10 volts after days on the PDI 9180 (The rest of 'em showed higher).
I have said this before
Group 24, about 75 amp hours,
Group 27, Confirmed today 95
Group 29, Confirmed yesterday 105
Group 31, about 130
NOTE the weight of the battery (Save for the GC-2) is porportional to the amp hours. NOTE also that is at the 20 hour rate.
GC-2 has half the weight per amp hour, but it also has half the voltage so you need to put 2 of 'em in series.
Optima is 60% of same footprint non-optima battery
Flooded wet, Maintenance Free, AGM, makes no difference.
Marine Deep cycle try to keep 'em at least 3/4 full