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why i call Li fussy

Nomad II
Nomad II
Hi all,

This doesn't cover all the concerns for me, but it does show at least some of them:
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.

You Sir are seemingly arguing with a Straw man - For the record, I never once objected to any of your post, nor do I intend to now (folks are quite free to draw their own independent conclusions)…Nor have I ever once advocated against your’s (or anyone else’s) battery of choice…I wish you well with your own battery of choice (SiO2 - purported ideal in colder conditions - I might have chosen the same…), as I look forward to the eventual arrival of even better technologies…

3 tons

3 tons wrote:
Sadly, a trend seems to have developed whereby certain keyboard interlopers (of the SiO2 persuasion) have found a creative way to corrupt sentient dialogue (easily evidenced in numerous threads…) by purposefully conjuring up a dogged stream of seemingly plausible (actually, implausible…) ‘Gotcha’s’!!, as well as easily demonstrable intentional misrepresentations - Unfortunately, some extreme discernment is required as this tactic continues unhindered….Note that no LFP thread has been exempted from this type of information corruption…

3 tons
You're last 8 posts have been quite, well . . . . . .

If you don't like what is proposed you can always go play somewhere else. A forum is for information, not a place to pontificate one's knowledge. Apparently some SiO2 owners (there are three of us in this thread) upset you. That's your problem.

I asked a legitimate question for my Airstream friend about ultra-cold lithiums being used. I got my answer, but it seems since YOU can't understand the situation it can only be "implausible" in your world.

Whenever I have a question I will present it here, despite the childish insults thrown.


2016 Bigfoot 25RQ
2019 F150 Max Tow, Max Springs, 3.5 EB Quad Cab
Victron 712, Victron 100/20, Victron 100/30
160 Watts on the Roof, 100 watt portable
Two 100 ah SOK LFP Batteries

Your response and “disappointment” are mis-assigned Sir (I would refrain from playing the “dog ate my homework card’’), I’ve only pointed out tactics and words (not individuals…), and have been moved to tire of this serial mischief…In my view, a ‘cloaked in plausible denial’ burden to fair-minded discourse that should be admonished…Other’s are free to arrive at their own conclusions, but in doing so one should consider how many threads over time have been choreographed and compromised by all this silliness…However, I’m still curious about the unresolved edit…

3 tons

Nomad II
Nomad II
3 tons wrote:
Amen to you Sir….

BTW, I just noticed that one of these mischievous players just recently attempted to bury his tracks by editing (at 6/17/21, 10:57) out his previous closing statement of, “Till next time”….(possibly a ‘Freudian slip’ Warning??)…Question: Why was he driven to do this edit??

Quantification of these types of activities can be most difficult (this is how they prosper…), though NOT impossible…

3 tons - (retired, but still on watch….)

I am not a player.

I said that I had information from a video that another person had shared--which linked to another video where the head person at Battle Born made some statements. I then proceed to place them on the post. I thought they might be valued by folks who want Li.

Here is what I said. "After watching the link provided in the thread--there was another video with folks from Battle Born."

I'm a little disappointed in your response. Too bad because sometimes you have offered some good information.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.

Amen to you Sir….

BTW, I just noticed that one of these mischievous players just recently attempted to bury his tracks by editing (at 6/17/21, 10:57) out his previous closing statement of, “Till next time”….(possibly a ‘Freudian slip’ Warning??)…Question: Why was he driven to do this edit??

Quantification of these types of activities can be most difficult (this is how they prosper…), though NOT impossible…

3 tons - (retired, but still on watch….)


I will only add that Forum rules prevent me from precisely identifying these ‘Players’…I would suggest no engagement…

One need exercise discernment….

3 tons

Sadly, a trend seems to have developed whereby certain keyboard interlopers (of the SiO2 persuasion) have found a creative way to corrupt sentient dialogue (easily evidenced in numerous threads…) by purposefully conjuring up a dogged stream of seemingly plausible (actually, implausible…) ‘Gotcha’s’!!, as well as easily demonstrable intentional misrepresentations - Unfortunately, some extreme discernment is required as this tactic continues unhindered….Note that no LFP thread has been exempted from this type of information corruption…

3 tons

3 tons wrote:
I will predict that upon the next LFP thread these detailed explanations will all have been in vain - Calling it a form of ‘thread Alzheimer’s’ (Groundhog day 9.0) eems to be appropriate…

3 tons

your telling me...

2014 F350 6.7 Platinum
2016 Cougar 330RBK
1991 Slumberqueen WS100

I take no comfort in saying I told you so…On a brighter note, it seems that folks are beginning to see this pattern emerge…JMHO

3 tons

Nomad II
Nomad II
Thanks to everyone for all the links. It's been a good ride and some good information was made available. Till next time!

After watching the link provided in the thread--there was another video with folks from Battle Born. They said that their recommended charging rate is 0.5 c. You can charge faster, but it will shorten the life span of the battery.

The 100 amp-hour battery uses 120 cylindrical cells. The number is 26650. voltage 3.2 and amperage 3.4

120 x 3.4 / 4 = 102 amp-hours.
Regards, Don
My ride is a 28 foot Class C, 256 watts solar, 556 amp-hours of Telcom jars, 3000 watt Magnum hybrid inverter, Sola Basic Autoformer, Microair Easy Start.


3 tons

Explorer II
Explorer II
Might be time to close this one.
"If I'm wearing long pants, I'm too far north" - 2oldman

With such a dependable stream of mental gobbledegook, I stand by my previous - lol !!

3 tons