The applications of a hood vs body vs pickup bed are very different and
out of context to compare them
It can be done...but at a cost and that is then dependent on their bean counter
managers allowance to 'do it right'
Galvanic action is huge and am constantly surprised at how highly educated engineers
design things that have no clue on galvanic action
Take GMT400's rear AC. Galvanic action welds the mating parts together and the
only recourse is to cut them out and replace. Either make up new with the correct
metals in contact, or go OEM to have it repeat the cycle
Al does NOT have the flexing and work hardening 'resistance' that steel does. Or
have they found a new alloy that I don't know about? Key will be how they managed
the natural harmonic vs the actual harmonics it will experience (the
frequencies must be far apart)
If I owned one...the first thing I'd do is to have a liner. A VERY THICK liner.
Either a sprayed on, or vacuum molded...or both. I do for the Silverado's steel
bed (molded)