Feb 04, 2018Nomad
2015 Summer Journey Crossing Alaska, part 17
2015 Summer Journey
Alaskan Crossing, part 17
Old Denali Road #8
July 16, 2015
Morning brought with it a chill in the air, inside the camper was a cool 50 degrees. I ducked out for my morning photos as I most usually do; it was indeed a beautiful morning.

Far away a framed picture of a portion of the Alaskan Mountains could be seen, above me the clouds played with the sunlight creating an eerie effect.

A calm lake made for easy swimming as a beaver headed for its shore bound home.

Back at the camper, Julie had prepared a hardy breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and the very important coffee. We headed out right after breakfast, enjoying the huge areas of blue sky.

Clearwater Creek was coming up and is an alluring place to stop at with a large wayside that has almost unlimited views.

Of course I couldn’t resist in dropping a line in this creek.

Julie reminded me that we were to reach Bryers Lake State Park today; it was down the road again. Along the way we spotted several lodges, some open some closed.

Crossing the Susitana River Bridge was interesting since this is a narrow bridge one has to beware of oncoming traffic.

We didn’t stop till we came across Canyon Creek (63.245/ -147.865), there’s a great view of the distance Nanana Mountain with an unknown named glacier that feeds into the Nanana River and the Nanana Glacier is hidden from our view.

Moving on to Blm’s Brushkana Creek Campground, which would be a pit stop for us. Along the way we passed by two tour buses and a Jeep club out for a quick trip.
Blm’s Brushkana campground ground turned out to be a rather busy place with more tour buses being there and many RVs travelers stopping to use their facilities as we were going to do. Many of the people walked on the only road that accessed the campground.

With only 30 miles till Cantwell the rest of the Old Denali road when by quickly, that Jeep club we saw earlier now had caught up with us and zoomed past us

On the way to Bryers Lake SP on Parks Highway is the Denali State Park Alaskan Veterans Memorial, this was a must see for us.

Walking through this memorial gave me a sense of awe, it very quiet here despite the highway being so close.

This is a small but wonderful memorial, very much worth the stop.

Bryers Lake SP campground was just a stone throw away. Getting there in short order was easy, selecting a campsite took a little longer. Shortly after getting settled in the sky opened, buckets of water poured from the sky!

Thanks to everyone for reading my TCTRs, all comments are welcome and if you have any questions ask them here or PM me.
Link to previous Alaska Crossing, Part 16
Working on part 18 of our Summer Journey, Alaska Crossing, I will post it as soon as it’s done.
Thanks, Alex Blasingame, aka c.traveler2
Alaskan Crossing, part 17
Old Denali Road #8
July 16, 2015
Morning brought with it a chill in the air, inside the camper was a cool 50 degrees. I ducked out for my morning photos as I most usually do; it was indeed a beautiful morning.

Far away a framed picture of a portion of the Alaskan Mountains could be seen, above me the clouds played with the sunlight creating an eerie effect.

A calm lake made for easy swimming as a beaver headed for its shore bound home.

Back at the camper, Julie had prepared a hardy breakfast of bacon, eggs, toast and the very important coffee. We headed out right after breakfast, enjoying the huge areas of blue sky.

Clearwater Creek was coming up and is an alluring place to stop at with a large wayside that has almost unlimited views.

Of course I couldn’t resist in dropping a line in this creek.

Julie reminded me that we were to reach Bryers Lake State Park today; it was down the road again. Along the way we spotted several lodges, some open some closed.

Crossing the Susitana River Bridge was interesting since this is a narrow bridge one has to beware of oncoming traffic.

We didn’t stop till we came across Canyon Creek (63.245/ -147.865), there’s a great view of the distance Nanana Mountain with an unknown named glacier that feeds into the Nanana River and the Nanana Glacier is hidden from our view.

Moving on to Blm’s Brushkana Creek Campground, which would be a pit stop for us. Along the way we passed by two tour buses and a Jeep club out for a quick trip.

Blm’s Brushkana campground ground turned out to be a rather busy place with more tour buses being there and many RVs travelers stopping to use their facilities as we were going to do. Many of the people walked on the only road that accessed the campground.

With only 30 miles till Cantwell the rest of the Old Denali road when by quickly, that Jeep club we saw earlier now had caught up with us and zoomed past us

On the way to Bryers Lake SP on Parks Highway is the Denali State Park Alaskan Veterans Memorial, this was a must see for us.

Walking through this memorial gave me a sense of awe, it very quiet here despite the highway being so close.

This is a small but wonderful memorial, very much worth the stop.

Bryers Lake SP campground was just a stone throw away. Getting there in short order was easy, selecting a campsite took a little longer. Shortly after getting settled in the sky opened, buckets of water poured from the sky!

Thanks to everyone for reading my TCTRs, all comments are welcome and if you have any questions ask them here or PM me.
Link to previous Alaska Crossing, Part 16
Working on part 18 of our Summer Journey, Alaska Crossing, I will post it as soon as it’s done.
Thanks, Alex Blasingame, aka c.traveler2