Forum Discussion

  • if I have $500k for an rv I would be shopping for a bus Monaco, beaver etc. But if I was using it in off road places I could see where this earth roamer would be beneficial.
  • Certainly NOT impractical but definitely out of most "typical" RVer's price range. I detect a little "sour grapes" going on here.
  • a riding buddy has one of the early earthromers.
    f450 chassis. takes it to mexico quite often when he goes bike riding.

    For what he does it works out well. at least his was very well thought out, He's put well over 100K miles on it with AFAIK zip issues. and he still likes it.

    I'm guessing it was way less expensive than the F550 version
  • Community Alumni's avatar
    Community Alumni
    I was parked next to one these recently in Anza Borrego. I wasn't impressed for what you get for the money.
  • FishOnOne wrote:
    The Ultimate Off Road RV...


    No it is not the Ultimate ,a lot better companies and chassis for Off Road Expedition vehicles