I had a F350SRW Supercab and now a F450 CrewCab. Think again about the Crew cab. It’a ton of room you will be giving up and in addition, you have to work around most TC front overhang which will get nailed by your radio antenna. Sure, there is a workaround by buying a short antenna from American Muscle, but you still lose a lot of space and have to open two doors to access the rear seat.
Camera Sources sells a lot of cameras that will help even with the TC on. I don’t think the Ford option is that usable with a TC.
I would buy the tires you want aftermarket. I’m not getting rain sensing wipers since it rains all of the time on the Westside of Oregon and not at all on the Eastside.
Unless you plan on using gooseneck trailerl I’d pass on the gooseneck prep. It locks you into a propreitary system.