I was about 2 hours from home late on a Friday eve. Stopped to eat, come out of restaurant just start freezing rain/snow mix. I was tired, decided to sleep instead of fighting slick roads. After breakfast, strolled down the interstate. About 50 vehicles in ditches and median. About 75% where tractor trailers. Not one car, the others where 4X4 pickups and SUVs. The only 2 wheel drives I saw was the single axle tractors pulling wiggle wagons. Way to often I have heard "I got 4 wheel drive, I can go!" Everybody has 4 wheel brakes, if I can't stop, I don't want to go.
I also can't tell you how many 4X4's I have seen in the ditch..People think just because they have 4X4 they can go anywhere..I spent alot of hours on snowy roads driving logging trucks and have seen so many 4X4's in the ditch or stuck,very few 2WD..Most with 2WD either have studded tires or chain up in really bad stuff..Atleast the smart ones do..(laffin)
To many think because I have a 4X4,they can go anywhere on any road surface without thought..
As to the semi's in the ditch,to many over the road truckers are to lazy to chain up when they should..Locking in the two drive axles helps but there are times with a semi,chains are just needed..Every logging truck driver knows that..Swift drivers don't..LOL
Good studded winter tires or siped aggressively, make a huge difference on plowed icy roads.On a pickup with a truck camper, studs make a huge difference in drivability and breaking...