Forum Discussion

Area13's avatar
Aug 03, 2018

9K Coleman AC and Yami 2k

We have been on about 6 trips in our new TC so far and for the first time this week got into a little heat that was uncomfortable for the Wife. We were just looking for an hour or so to cool down a bit during the heat of the day. I specifically got the 9k AC unit to run on our Yamaha 2k and knew it might be tough.
It ran the unit fine in my driveway (of course) for about 30 minutes, sea level, 80 degrees ice cold, no problem, batteries charging and a couple of lights on.

We tried to use it twice this week, 2 different spots, both about the same altitude WA Cascades about 2500’. Edit-ECO WAS OFF.

1st attempt-92 degrees, part shade, fail. Even dx’d the battery switch feeding everything, poor little genny.

2nd attempt- 88 degrees full sun, worked. Ran it for about an hour, much happier Wife, batteries charging, couple of lights, no trips.

Thinking maybe a Honda 2.2k might get it done better? It is the same size and will fit in my custom compartment just fine also. The Yami also struggles to run my fridge and chest freezer at home during power outages. I have a buddy that said He’d give me $650 for it, bought it new for $875 several years ago. Might be time to bite the bullet. Anyone have any experience with the new Honda 2.2k and a 9k AC in similar situations?