โApr-22-2015 03:43 PM
โApr-24-2015 08:00 AM
CavemanCharlie wrote:
I've heard of people putting a receiver hitch on the front of there truck to make backing easier. This was usually done for people with 2 wheel drive trucks that had to put there boat into the lake. But, your TT is small enough to make it possible.
โApr-23-2015 06:03 PM
โApr-23-2015 05:51 PM
wing_zealot wrote:
Just remember when you are backing up you are required to yield to oncoming traffic. If there is an accident, it won't go well for you (buttheads not withstanding).
โApr-23-2015 02:22 PM
Terryallan wrote:matthewijenkins wrote:.
Well, you guys nailed what is a happening, and that's me being a little intimidated to hold up traffic. I certainly thought about it. But I live on a busy street in Atlanta. at the edge of my house is a traffic light and on the other side of that the name changes from Road to Highway and is four lanes. And like nomad, many are going over speed limit. If I could pull up and back right in, I wouldn't mind holding up traffic. But if I had to go back and forth a few times to get it right, I think it could be really stressful. Plus I have a tree on one side of the driveway entrance and a flower bed that drops about 1 foot on the other.
The trailer dolly is something I never considered. Will think about that. And I think going to an empty parking lot to practice is a great idea. I'm sure by this fall I'll be a 'pro' and can back into the drive but just feel more comfortable for now being on my own property. However, last time turning around was so aggravating that I may just choose the aggravation of buttheads honking horns as less stressful.
Nomad I wish I could see what you mean exactly. Do you pull up past your drive? or you said just TO your drive that you then turn perpendicular in the road toward the center lane? When I posted originally, I was looking for tips on how to angle the truck with the trailer so when you stop and put it in reverse, you'll be perfectly set up to begin turning in the direction you need to. Any practical tips? Or perhaps I should just go practice.
I really do appreciate the notion that it's OK to make people wait. That helps me. Though I may try it in the yard one more time...
Pass your drive as close as you can get to on the side of the street it is on. As the TV passes. Turn away from it. Go until the rear of the TT lines up with your drive. As you bring the TV to a stop turn again so that the TV is at the angle to the TT you need to push the rear of the TT farther toward your drive,. Put it in reverse, and slide on in. Backing is always easier if you can get the TT lined up with the hole.
I have to back out of the road, thru the drive at an angle, go between a tree, and a flower garden, only 10' apart. Then turn to back down beside the house, and turn again to go thru a gate, and then turn the other way to back under the TT shed. Getting out of the road is the easy part.
โApr-23-2015 02:01 PM
โApr-23-2015 01:41 PM
matthewijenkins wrote:.
Well, you guys nailed what is a happening, and that's me being a little intimidated to hold up traffic. I certainly thought about it. But I live on a busy street in Atlanta. at the edge of my house is a traffic light and on the other side of that the name changes from Road to Highway and is four lanes. And like nomad, many are going over speed limit. If I could pull up and back right in, I wouldn't mind holding up traffic. But if I had to go back and forth a few times to get it right, I think it could be really stressful. Plus I have a tree on one side of the driveway entrance and a flower bed that drops about 1 foot on the other.
The trailer dolly is something I never considered. Will think about that. And I think going to an empty parking lot to practice is a great idea. I'm sure by this fall I'll be a 'pro' and can back into the drive but just feel more comfortable for now being on my own property. However, last time turning around was so aggravating that I may just choose the aggravation of buttheads honking horns as less stressful.
Nomad I wish I could see what you mean exactly. Do you pull up past your drive? or you said just TO your drive that you then turn perpendicular in the road toward the center lane? When I posted originally, I was looking for tips on how to angle the truck with the trailer so when you stop and put it in reverse, you'll be perfectly set up to begin turning in the direction you need to. Any practical tips? Or perhaps I should just go practice.
I really do appreciate the notion that it's OK to make people wait. That helps me. Though I may try it in the yard one more time...
โApr-23-2015 12:31 PM
โApr-23-2015 12:22 PM
โApr-23-2015 11:53 AM
โApr-23-2015 11:13 AM
โApr-23-2015 10:01 AM
โApr-23-2015 07:58 AM
โApr-23-2015 07:31 AM
SoundGuy wrote:nomad297 wrote:
I have a 33' long trailer that I have to back into my 400' long driveway off of a main road with four lanes and a center turning lane. The speed limit is 35, but most are doing around 50, so it can be a little nerve wracking at times. It doesn't help that I live in the Washington, DC metro area where considerate drivers are nonexistent.
I pull up from the main road with my driveway on the right, just in front of my truck, turn my flashers on, drop my wife off, wait until I see a break in traffic, then jump out into the opposite side of the road, across the turning lane. My wife jumps out into the street to ward off traffic and I back right in.
I have this maneuver mastered and it only takes me about a minute to get completely off the road, but I still get the occasional middle finger, yell or horn -- I don't care -- it's the street I live on and I need to get into my driveway, and I do it in a very considerate manner. I just ignore the butt heads.
I'm on a typical suburban street and fortunately don't have the volume of traffic to deal with as you do but we do still have the same buttheads who in trying to avoid a nearby traffic light will tear down our street as a shortcut. :M Despite the bravado from those claiming to "own the street" as they block the street with their trailer the reality is they own nothing and buttheads will do whatever buttheads want to do regardless of what any of us may think of them. With that in mind it seems to me about the only thing one can do is to make yourself as visible as possible so many years ago I built a Trailer Lights Dongle (4 pics) that will flash ALL the lights on the trailer, not just the rear tail lights.
No, this doesn't suddenly transform a butthead into a prince or princess as he/she tears down the street but it does serve to make your truck / trailer as visible as possible as you back off the street on to your driveway. I use mine religiously so I've since wired mine into a box mounted on the trailer tongue for even greater convenience. Cost is minimal and IMO certainly worth using in a situation like yours, and mine. :B
โApr-23-2015 07:29 AM
โApr-23-2015 07:00 AM