One thing with a srw is if you drop the TC it's now narrower than the dually. I'd like to be able to drop the TC every now and then. Hell maybe I should just find a very small hard sideded off-road trailer. I might just consider that.
Anyone here who's actually had a truck with the toolbox setup? Like it? Hate it? World have dinner something differently the second time around? Prefer something else altogether? Anyone drive these or of the country, and USA north doesn't count, lol. I'd like to get some info from people who have actually driven some of these rigs. I know some of you who already posted have.
It seems like I've seen quite a few of them in areas where expedition type vehicles are found, and that's what I'm looking for really, just much cheaper. I can get a truck for ~10k and a camper for ~5k and have plenty of money to make whatever modifications I want versus ~100k+ for one of those sweet German expedition vehicles I see around(and that would probably be a good deal on a pretty old one, plus you can't drop them and use them as a pickup).