Forum Discussion

4xMike's avatar
May 23, 2013

Adjusting tire pressure for load

So my tires on my dually are wearing heavily in the center indicating over inflation. I typically run 80 psi loaded (load range e) and 65 empty. Judging by the wear, I should be running significantly less

Beware: math ahead!!!

I haven't weighed mine, but found someone with a nearly idenical setup and got their weight.

Empty is 4500 front, 3000 rear
My camper weighs between 3000 and 3500 wet, and his weight bias was nearly 100% of the camper weight on the rear axle.

My tires are range e and rated at 2850 in dual or 3050 in single at 80 psi

Would it be proper to deflate my tires in a linear fashion to match the weight on them?

Example. 4500 lbs divided by 2 is 2250. The tire is rated at 3050 at 80' or 38 pounds per psi. By this theory the front tires should be correctly inflated a t 60 psi

On the rear they are at 35 lbs per psi ( 2850/80). 6500 lbs across 4 tires is 1625 lbs per tire. Divided by 35 lbs/psi is 46.4 psi.

This would explain my overinflated wear pattern, but it seems crazy to run my tires at 45 psi in the rear while loaded. One one hand it makes sense as I am only running st 1/2 the tire capacity, but at the same time I'm afraid of the loss of tire stability (specifically lateral stability) by running at almost 1/2 of pressure

Any insight? Thoughts? Input?
