Huntindog wrote:
NC Hauler wrote:
Huntindog wrote:
I don't think that the savings are worth the risks of contamination on a pickup sized rig. Contaminated DEF will make the truck throw a code, and cause a trip to the dealer. I would rather pay for the sealed jug at Walmart, NAPA etc. 22.00 for 5-6 thousand miles isn't the end of the world.
:h..I'd much rather pay $2.89 a gallon as opposed to $5.50-$7.00 plus a gallon and mine is at a truck stop, each diesel island has the Blue Def stated, no big deal, took cap off, pumped in two gallons and that was over 2400 miles problems, no issues...I will keep paying the lesser amount as long as I can. I do have a 2.5 gallon jug "just in case", but don't see any reason in paying an inflated price, and haven't heard about "contaminated" DEF anywhere..heck, I've heard more about diesel being contaminated with water than I've heard about pumping bad DEF.
You are paying too much for your jugs then. My cost has consistently been a little over 4.00 a gallon.
I have seen many pumps that are handled by the public. Lets just say that I'm convinced that they
are far from clean.. Read your owners manual for more info on this.
It won't be covered by warranty, and the expense will make the sealed jugs seem like a bargain.
I don't believe that any of the domestic pickups have any filtration setups at all for contaminated DEF.. The systems absolutely rely on it going in pure.
It's your call.
Not to mention a GM fill location is under the hood, not very convenient for a island fill that the big truck stops supply. Not sure having not owned one but I suspect the big truck stops that supply DEF to OTR truckers is not contaminated or stale.
Just me but price difference for the same stuff matters. Bottom line is your paying for the jugs and the jugs to be filled at a factory.