Forum Discussion

TCcamper's avatar
Jul 14, 2013

AF 990 Variable Quad light set just quite working

I have an 08 990 with a 4 light set that is controlled by a single dimming switch. I checked the fuses and looked at the bulbs and see nothing wrong. Could it be the dimmer switch itself? Do they just all of a sudden fail like that?
Another thought is that one bulb failed and takes out the rest. I hope it's not wired this way, but you never know....
I am wondering if any one has any experience with this problem and what the solution might be?
Thanks, Terry
  • It could be the dimmer switch. The only way to know is grab your test light and start checking things out. I am certain it isn't a 1 bulb failure taking out the rest. I have had single bulbs quit and the other 3 kept on working.

    Remove the dimmer switch and check for 12 volts going in and 12 going out when turned on to max. If you have no power in then trace the wiring back to the fuse panel, either you missed a bad fuse or a wire is broke or has a bad connection. Don't forget to check the ground or negative side of the circuit, no ground = no electricity flow. If you have power in and none out then it's probably a bad switch if your ground is good. Yes it can fail all of a sudden like that.

    If you have power out of the switch then check for power at each individual light terminal. No power means a bad wire or connection between the switch and light. Also make sure the ground is good to the light socket. Having power to the socket and a good ground means a bad bulb. I think I remember paying about $8 for 2 of those halogen bulbs and having a hard time finding the right wattage so my replacements were a bit dimmer than the originals. They don't last as long as you think they should. I believe I had replaced all mine within the first 2 years but they didn't all fail at once like yours which makes me think it isn't the bulbs on yours. You should still have some spares on hand for when they do fail. Good luck.
  • Hey thanks for your response! I looked at the switch and am a bit stumped as to how to get it out. It is right under the MICROWAVE and has a metal shell with no screws to remove it. But, I did try to remove the Microwave and all of a sudden the lights started working. So, I think the micro is somehow bending the wires till they lose their connections and the circuit goes OPEN.
    If you know how to remove the switch cover that would be helpful. But, at this point I am going to just see how long it continues to work. Thanks!