Oct 16, 2014Explorer
AF 990 Wired Backup Camera Install
I've been meaning to get my hard wired backup camera installed for some time now and watching more posts/traffic on backup camera topics got me motivated. I'm familiar with both wired/wireless options and decided to go with the wired option. I also have a Kenwood double-din radio in the F350 with video inputs so I didn't want/need an additional display.
Well, I got after it and just finished it up. It took a little longer than I'd thought but it's SWEEEEEEET! This is the fully wired up system displayed on my Kenwood. These pictures just don't do it justice. I think I had a little sun glare going on not to mention taking a pic of a pic.

So, where to start. The AF990 is just densely packed. Finding nooks and crannys with access on these things is just a pain. I got in touch with MeloMike as I'd remembered he'd got some drawings from Northwood when he did his ladder install. He gave me a Northwood POC and they were happy to fax me the production drawings of the structure. Looking over the drawings confirmed it was gonna be some work. So, first I started out under the awning and the rear light mounting flashing structure. Took off the light cover and housing.
Yep, plenty O wires in there. My issue was my Kenwood CMOS camera (with compatibility to my stereo). It had its own wiring harness that I'd have to either separate or tap into on one end or the other. I contacted Kenwood Product Support in Cali and they said, "don't do it...it'll never work the same, etc." Thanks. How about some options Kenwood? "Ahhhh we don't have any. We've never heard of someone mounting the camera on the back of a camper." Hey, how about you all send me another wiring harness cause I'm gonna have to have two, you know because I have to physically detach from the truck? "Nope. Kenwood does not make an additional wiring harness for the Kenwood backup camera." Thanks fellas....remind me again why I bought a Kenwood stereo?
So, it was over to the harness and the ohm meter. The harness wasn't your normal RCA connector type. It had five wires on one end and seven on the other. I "diked" the 5 wires on the camera end connector and then wired up a 25 foot harness and temp connected it to the (temp) wired up truck. It worked fine.
Knowing my wrapped five wire harness I bought would work, I had to find out how I was gonna route the harness to the area front left under the sink. So, back to the camper. I removed the outer left, right and center running lights. I break out the fish tape looking for a tracer down the camper.

Nadda, nothing. Did I tell you this was gonna be a pain. I Reviewed the drawings again, got the mirror and the flashlight out and kept on trying for some access down. Nope.
OK. Plan B. Mind you, I still had not drilled the mounting holes for the camera. All this was going through the large running light holes. Looks like I'm gonna have to get the wire inside the camper near the door. I take off all the trim around the door--yep that will work. Once it gets to the floor does it go left or right? It cant go either unless I drill a home in the floor.
Ok. Plan C. I'm gonna drill a hole from inside the camper behind the trim in the upper left hand corner in the back of the camper and the shower door enclosure. Ok. But, how do i get it down the wall near the 110V A/C outlet (which has good access). From looking under the tank area and shower enclosure there is no way to go down the wall--its 1/2 inch wood sandwiched on the wall for the shower enclosure (see pick further down showing wire through the hole). Hmmmm.
Ok. Plan D. I take all the trim off the shower door, remove the shower pock-it door, and then remove the vertical door support structure (the latch side). Yep, its drilled into solid wall. Then it hits me. If I measure out the wire dia and head over to the tablesaw, on the vertical support structure I can trim a channel (invisible to view) for the wire to go down vertically to an area near the 110V outlet and into the basement (all hidden).
Viola! Looks like the plan will work. I drill the hole in the upper corner to the area of the upper running lights. I route the harness out to the area, put on some connectors and shrink wrap and leave it hanging (No sense buttoning everything up until this works).

Next, I trimmed a channel in the vertical door jam and

then drilled a hole through the wall. This is looking from the outer left tank access door under the shower toward the hole (bright light).

Here it is after the wire is routed through the hole.


Next I routed the wire bundle under the shower enclosure and into the kitchen using fish tape. It took me a few tries to get the routing I wanted but it worked out. Next, I installed a power block on the forward kitchen wall because at some point I want to tap into this and display the camera on my TV should I want to see whats going on outside the back door.

Next it was time to drill a hole for the connector and umbilical cord to the truck. This took quite a bit of time as well ensuring the right location. I removed the panels under the sink for access and then measured as best I could how far aft to drill without hitting structure, propane line, water tank, or wire bundles and how far out (left) I'd need to be to so as to not hit structure etc. Finally after measuring and remeasuring I drilled my pilot hole from outside in.

Next, I drilled the 1.25 inch hole for the Blue Ox umbilical cord mount. Here it is here (the bright lighted hole. The styrofoam to the left is the hot water tank).

Outside looking up and aft.

Next, I drilled a 1.25 inch hole in the pickup bed for the other connector.

I wired up both connectors

then put the blue ox cable on for a link test - Success. I securely mounted the fitting on the camper with some sealant then screwed it down.

I drilled the camera install hole, installed a grommet to keep the wires from chafing, pushed the wires through, connected them, then mounted the camera. Nice and small footprint....Looks great!

buttoned everything back up, tie wrapped it, siliconed the holes, put back all the trim and turned on the stereo. Here are some final the pics.
Wire hidden coming into the camper...

Probably going to get a shorter connection end down the road. It mounts very securely but the Blue Ox cable to the truck tugs ever so slightly.

Camera options:
A Left and right corner view simultaneously.

A top height view (good for when I park on the edge of the Grand Canyon ;)

A more level out view - notice my awning in the way.

And the backup guidelines...not adjusted yet

Horizontal guidelines.....not adjusted yet

And lastly my favorite. I can be in the Map mode on Garmin and pull up the backup camera on the same screen.

Anyway, for those of you wanting a "hard-wired" camera you can do it.
Happy Camping!!
Well, I got after it and just finished it up. It took a little longer than I'd thought but it's SWEEEEEEET! This is the fully wired up system displayed on my Kenwood. These pictures just don't do it justice. I think I had a little sun glare going on not to mention taking a pic of a pic.

So, where to start. The AF990 is just densely packed. Finding nooks and crannys with access on these things is just a pain. I got in touch with MeloMike as I'd remembered he'd got some drawings from Northwood when he did his ladder install. He gave me a Northwood POC and they were happy to fax me the production drawings of the structure. Looking over the drawings confirmed it was gonna be some work. So, first I started out under the awning and the rear light mounting flashing structure. Took off the light cover and housing.
Yep, plenty O wires in there. My issue was my Kenwood CMOS camera (with compatibility to my stereo). It had its own wiring harness that I'd have to either separate or tap into on one end or the other. I contacted Kenwood Product Support in Cali and they said, "don't do it...it'll never work the same, etc." Thanks. How about some options Kenwood? "Ahhhh we don't have any. We've never heard of someone mounting the camera on the back of a camper." Hey, how about you all send me another wiring harness cause I'm gonna have to have two, you know because I have to physically detach from the truck? "Nope. Kenwood does not make an additional wiring harness for the Kenwood backup camera." Thanks fellas....remind me again why I bought a Kenwood stereo?
So, it was over to the harness and the ohm meter. The harness wasn't your normal RCA connector type. It had five wires on one end and seven on the other. I "diked" the 5 wires on the camera end connector and then wired up a 25 foot harness and temp connected it to the (temp) wired up truck. It worked fine.
Knowing my wrapped five wire harness I bought would work, I had to find out how I was gonna route the harness to the area front left under the sink. So, back to the camper. I removed the outer left, right and center running lights. I break out the fish tape looking for a tracer down the camper.

Nadda, nothing. Did I tell you this was gonna be a pain. I Reviewed the drawings again, got the mirror and the flashlight out and kept on trying for some access down. Nope.
OK. Plan B. Mind you, I still had not drilled the mounting holes for the camera. All this was going through the large running light holes. Looks like I'm gonna have to get the wire inside the camper near the door. I take off all the trim around the door--yep that will work. Once it gets to the floor does it go left or right? It cant go either unless I drill a home in the floor.
Ok. Plan C. I'm gonna drill a hole from inside the camper behind the trim in the upper left hand corner in the back of the camper and the shower door enclosure. Ok. But, how do i get it down the wall near the 110V A/C outlet (which has good access). From looking under the tank area and shower enclosure there is no way to go down the wall--its 1/2 inch wood sandwiched on the wall for the shower enclosure (see pick further down showing wire through the hole). Hmmmm.
Ok. Plan D. I take all the trim off the shower door, remove the shower pock-it door, and then remove the vertical door support structure (the latch side). Yep, its drilled into solid wall. Then it hits me. If I measure out the wire dia and head over to the tablesaw, on the vertical support structure I can trim a channel (invisible to view) for the wire to go down vertically to an area near the 110V outlet and into the basement (all hidden).
Viola! Looks like the plan will work. I drill the hole in the upper corner to the area of the upper running lights. I route the harness out to the area, put on some connectors and shrink wrap and leave it hanging (No sense buttoning everything up until this works).

Next, I trimmed a channel in the vertical door jam and

then drilled a hole through the wall. This is looking from the outer left tank access door under the shower toward the hole (bright light).

Here it is after the wire is routed through the hole.


Next I routed the wire bundle under the shower enclosure and into the kitchen using fish tape. It took me a few tries to get the routing I wanted but it worked out. Next, I installed a power block on the forward kitchen wall because at some point I want to tap into this and display the camera on my TV should I want to see whats going on outside the back door.

Next it was time to drill a hole for the connector and umbilical cord to the truck. This took quite a bit of time as well ensuring the right location. I removed the panels under the sink for access and then measured as best I could how far aft to drill without hitting structure, propane line, water tank, or wire bundles and how far out (left) I'd need to be to so as to not hit structure etc. Finally after measuring and remeasuring I drilled my pilot hole from outside in.

Next, I drilled the 1.25 inch hole for the Blue Ox umbilical cord mount. Here it is here (the bright lighted hole. The styrofoam to the left is the hot water tank).

Outside looking up and aft.

Next, I drilled a 1.25 inch hole in the pickup bed for the other connector.

I wired up both connectors

then put the blue ox cable on for a link test - Success. I securely mounted the fitting on the camper with some sealant then screwed it down.

I drilled the camera install hole, installed a grommet to keep the wires from chafing, pushed the wires through, connected them, then mounted the camera. Nice and small footprint....Looks great!

buttoned everything back up, tie wrapped it, siliconed the holes, put back all the trim and turned on the stereo. Here are some final the pics.
Wire hidden coming into the camper...

Probably going to get a shorter connection end down the road. It mounts very securely but the Blue Ox cable to the truck tugs ever so slightly.

Camera options:
A Left and right corner view simultaneously.

A top height view (good for when I park on the edge of the Grand Canyon ;)

A more level out view - notice my awning in the way.

And the backup guidelines...not adjusted yet

Horizontal guidelines.....not adjusted yet

And lastly my favorite. I can be in the Map mode on Garmin and pull up the backup camera on the same screen.

Anyway, for those of you wanting a "hard-wired" camera you can do it.
Happy Camping!!