It is a mater of what do you want the Airbags, Stabil loads or Timbrens to do. If your objective is to maintain the adjustment of your headlights, prevent the back of your truck from squatting when loaded, or have the rear of your truck to squat the same distance as the front, then your only choice is airbags.
In my opinion, if the Stabil loads or Timbrens or spaced away from the springs, then by design the truck will squat that amount. Additional squat will be as the spring compresses. There is no practical way to avoid this.
If installed properly, airbags will allow you to raise the truck to the level you want. They are always engaged, and the height is fully adjustable. As with most things, they have to be properly installed.
I believe there are advantages to each of the three, but although the airbags are more difficult to install, and potentially develop air leaks requiring minor maintenance they are much more versatile.
I have been running a pair of airbags I received used, since 2002. I have had three likes during the 12-year, which required tightening a fitting each time. This is with my single rear wheel, no overload springs, 4,200 pound TC.