I think I've read each post and what I haven't read is the structural durability that you get when you purchase a vacuum bonded aluminum/fiberglass coach. Because sheer(shear?)strength is compromised with a slide, I think this becomes very important factor when purchasing a coach with a slide. And even more so with a longer coach and multiple slides. A coach that is stick framed with a slide will not be nearly as strong or durable as a vacuum bonded aluminum/fiberglass wall. I would say that the vacuum bonded aluminum/fiberglass wall becomes exponentially stronger with brands from Northwoods and Outdoors RV because they actually use a 2" aluminum tubing when many manufacturers use 1-1/2". And.......everything everyone is saying true about repairs and maintenance. De-lamination would be a nightmare that I've not experienced and hope not too. But I have dealt with stick framed trailers sagging from one end to the other over time. For now, I'm really happy with my aluminum/fiberglass coach. I constantly monitor the roof, keep the coach covered and hope the de-lam gremlins don't gain access to my baby!