Thanks for the efforts folks. I did a bit more online searching last night and found a couple possibilities. Cannot imagine how a hotel can consider themselves "pet friendly" and than gouge the owner as some post in their policy. La Quinta and Motel 6 appear to be the best chances and I will call and talk to the owner or manager.
I do realize that it's "only" 800 miles, but when you stop for 30 minutes every couple of hours, it really puts a dent in the travel time. We've made the FL trip for baseball - our DS's passion in life - for several years and 2 overnights is an absolute.
Flying is a possibility and I'm going to check into what's involved. However, this is not an older child/teenager. DS is 52, both physically and developmentally challenged, about 6'4" and 280# + needs his wheelchair if he has to cover any distance at all. Of course, this adds for the friend to care for him 2 - 3 nights until we can drive to Lakeland and then get to either Tampa or Orlando. Nothing is ever easy, but we've managed it for 52 years and will manage this one....I think.
Re using the TT....we're selling it before leaving here. We don't see our lifestyle allowing for using like we do here and surely not just parking it in storage to deteriorate. One concession for what we expect to be a much better life for all of us.