I'll just have to add my story. My parents car-tent camped before I was born. The story is Mom wanted to camp and Dad didn't have to do anything - and the bargain was sealed. Their first trailer was a Porta-Camper in the early 60's (I remember they paid $300 for it, slept 5 with me on the floor and the rest on bunks, we got so we and could put it up in 15 minutes.) and we went all over the USA. Their 2nd camper was a 21 ft Airstream they kept until camping was no longer an option. I drove that Airstream for quite a few miles in my teens around Kansas, the north-central states and Canada. Plus I was a dedicated Boy Scouts camper with many very wet and memorable nights under my belt.
Now, here I am several decades later with a few ill conceived pups still attempting to wow my wife with the delights of camping. I hope the brand new TT will seal the deal for her.
Wish me luck.