W'eve have numerous TT's over the past 30 years, new and used. The best new one we had was the cheapest, kinda like a box of chocolates, don't know what you're gonna get till you tow it for a while. The one we liked the best was an off brand called Frontier Flyer, made by Damon.
As for chosing a TT, we always start with the floor plan we need and go from there.
As we are finally debt free, we only buy used, cash. So our current TT (TrailCrusier) is the floor plan we need and has the aerodynamics that allows our fairly weak engined Suburban to tow it easily. took us about a year of constant looking to find it. Even made a 700 mile trip from Blaine to Idaho to look at two pieces of junk that the sellers said were pristine (what's wrong with you people)?