Forum Discussion

marykays1's avatar
May 05, 2013

Anyone considering a Nash 25C tt from Northwoods Mfg?

After much deliberation and searching, the dh and I have decided on a new Nash 25C four-season travel trailer from Northwood Mfg.

One other person came back and said they are going to order one as well on another tread I started. And this got me thinking....

I'm wondering if there's a group of us, if that wouldn't give us some "buying power" from some dealer so that we could get the best deal possible. I'm from Ohio and there are no dealers near me so we're willing to travel to pick it up. So far I'm considering two in CA, One in AZ and one in PA.

If you're thinking of buying one in the near future, pls lmk--might be a long shot, but you never know!

Mary Kay
  • An Arctic Fox and Nash are made by the same company but are not the same basic unit with upgrades for the Arctic Fox. Carefully read the brochures and on line info and you will find that some models are wood framed, Arctic Fox aluminum framed; thickness of walls; front moulded cap vs filon; shocks on the axles or not, etc. There are differences besides just the interior appointments and price. As with others, I think the Fox is the better deal if you can handle the weight and price. The Arctic Fox in the larger sizes is not a light weight towable trailer.

    If you are planning to travel to California or the west coast why not just go to Oregon and purchase from a close by the factory dealer? The trip distance from your home is the same of perhaps even a few hundred miles less.
  • donn0128 wrote:
    Also you do know that the Arctic Fox is basically the same trailer with more standard features that are options on lesser models. ....

    While that used to be true (same floor-plans, same design, different appointments). That stopped being true with the 2012 models. Nash and Arctic Fox trailers are no longer "the same".

    If Northwood follows their usual build patterns they are close to switching to 2014 models (we ordered out 2012 two years ago yesterday)

    Going back to the OP. Be advised that (unless they have stopped), the over-the-air TV antenna (a flying saucer shape) is a POS. With the factory antenna on my rig I can get three channels, with a random chunk of wire I can get 15 channels, which is about the same as I could get with the 'ol Bat-wing antenna on my 99 24-5N (yup, also a Northwoods)
  • If your willing to go to CA, why not buy from the closest dealer to the factory? Thunder RV in Lagrand,OR has always been very competetive in their pricing and no dealer delivery charge.
    Also you do know that the Arctic Fox is basically the same trailer with more standard features that are options on lesser models. IMHO the agox is a better bagain when all is said and done.
    You might also join the afnash club forum and nose around there.