That's entirely up to you. How much of the stuff you have now do you need to keep with you?
What I am doing now with a RV I could do in a 16 foot Scamp or 16-17 foot Casita. Not so sure about a T@B, it is of less comfortable size and construction for me. But for longer term, like snowbirding, I would be more comfortable in the 30 foot C I now have. Been doing some 1-2 week experiments close to home, still running home home for what I didn't bring.
Full timing? That means getting rid of everything that doesn't fit in the RV. Thus a lot of people full time in a 40-45 foot RV weighing 30-40,000 pounds, and sometimes haul a car and or trailer. Right now, too close to the wife's death, all that stuff is still shared memories, full timing means whittling it down to two or three 40 foot containers. Maybe my heirs would want to go into those, maybe they would just want to dump them into a subduction trench, but for now I'm not ready.
it is up to you, how much you can whittle down your lifestyle. I know people who have gotten their stuff down to a motorcycle trailer, trunk of a car, shopping cart, even a backpack. Some people can get it down to a loincloth and a spear, and survive. A T@B can be enough living space for one human being, just a matter of how much stuff you need. to carry. If you can get what you need to keep down to a shopping cart, you could fit it into a T@B just fine.
Bothers me a bit that you say WE. Space that works for one person doesn't always work for two or more. Doubling the space is not always enough, you sometimes also need a good size "no man's zone." Part of why so many full timing couples settle at 40-45 foot, and they stop there because that's a legal limit.
Tom Test
Itasca Spirit 29B