Forum Discussion

iwon415's avatar
May 10, 2014

anyone replace a Jensen with a Jack?

My new camper came with a Jensen omnidirectional antenna which appears to be worthless. Many posts on the net seem to agree.
Many people have had good luck with the new Jack antenna (always sits up like the Jensen) but is rotatable. Any truck camper switched out their round Jensen for some other alternative and how did it work for you? Thanks,

  • Some pictures would be nice

    some links would be better

    We only watch ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox, and 3 PBS channels

    In the camper we use the Lance mounted Weingard Satallite, crank up... it has the rtound dosk. It has to be oriented... it picks up electrical interference from vehicles with spark plugs that are "chipped" or just plain out of tune... sometimes the rolling boom-boxs

    At home we have an antenna from WalMart ot Bestbuy... it is a ~ 14" x 8" x 1" rectangular antenna mounted on a length of conduit... we get 27 channels... it is directional

    I would very much like to remove the disk on the camper antenna and ad a better antenna on the crank up sat antemma on the camper
  • kerry4951 wrote:
    I replaced my Winegard bat wing with a Jack. Used the same mount so basicly you crank it up and down and can move it around. The Jack seems to work fine. I like the compactness of it on the roof compared to the old log bat wings. Dont need to use it a whole lot since we have sat TV most of the time.

    X2 replaced old 1998 batwing on my Lance with Jack also. Works fine and like the smaller size too.
  • I replaced my Winegard bat wing with a Jack. Used the same mount so basicly you crank it up and down and can move it around. The Jack seems to work fine. I like the compactness of it on the roof compared to the old log bat wings. Dont need to use it a whole lot since we have sat TV most of the time.
  • Jensen was garbage,should be a crime to put them on an expensive new camper. We tried for months to figure out what was wrong,finally realized it need to go in the garbage can.Had dealer try jack antenna and sensar 1V on his lot in campers,the sensar with batwing worked best in that location,thats what we have now and it works well.That was a new 2011 if there still putting jensens on,cant understand it.
  • We changed ours out to batwing HD sensor IV, I think. Best decision for us. We went from 2 channels to 12. We thought about jack but decided against it after reading some of the reviews.
  • Omnidirectional receive equally poorly in all directions.

    The "Jack" is somewhat reasonable on the UHF channels but is marginal on the
    VHF Hi channels and extremely poor on the VHF Lo channels.

    Your best bet is to go with the Winegard Batwing.