Forum Discussion

TCBob's avatar
Jul 25, 2016

Anyone replace in-cab airbag control?

The electric portion of my control unit has failed. Seems to be a sealed unit, switch and valve combined. Has anyone replaced one? Seems very straight forward. I see similar units in the $110 - $120 range on line.

I isolated the problem to the electric switch issue. Have a temporary toggle switch spliced in.

My whole set up looks like it was a Firestone kit that included airbags, in-cab single valve air/power control, and compressor. Came with the truck, which is why I said "seems like"

Love the set up. No trouble till now.

BTW - while I am at it is it worth the extra $ and plumbing to replace with the dual control set up so could have some leveling ability? Right now I have other things to spend my money and time on if no big advantage.
  • I forgot to mention I bought it off Amazon in the "used" option. By "used" it meant the box wasn't pristine. The device had never been installed. Also, Air Lift had or has a $75 discount/rebate at the time.

    There are 5 on Amazon right now used. $280.46 and all that differentiates it from new is that the packaging is damaged. That's what I got. So what if the box is slightly creased wrong?
  • I have the wireless system too. I love it! Helps with leveling and with crowned secondary roads where the shoulder is lower than the middle of the road. I installed the parts in a plastic tool box from WalMart and mounted it above my SuperHitch. I built it all in the box, then used quick connects to attach to my truck power and air bags. It's easy to unplug the whole box to remove if there's ever any trouble for repairs. It stays perfectly clean.


    Just a couple of places-identify your system. Part numbers..there a a lot of kits. I thought you were describing an electro-mechanical paddle switch but they don't cost $100? Wireless-on board air tank/no tank?

    I do not have any knowledge of the Firestone control unit? However sounds like both bags are tied together? In that case, yes I would redo to split the bags. Tied together, while aids in carrying a level load, any lean to side, instead of bag resisting-the air is pushed into the other bag pushing truck into lean. So my opinion would yes it would be an improvement. Expense time practicality would be affected by system you have now.
  • Thanks for the input guys. I'll go read up on Air Lift.
    But again, any on have any Firestone control er experence?
  • I have the same Air Lift wireless as Geewizard. The manifold that controls the pressure in the bags failed after a few months but was replaced painlessly under warranty. I thought it had failed again last year but turns out the compressor died. Replaced that and I'm back to loving it. I like being able to stand at the wheel and adjust pressure so I can see just how much the overloads are engaged on each side. It also helps protect the bags by making sure then never go below 5 psi.
  • Theres a wireless on my local craigslist right now. PGH
  • I have the Air Lift system with Goodyear Ride Rite air bags. My first controller failed after four or five years. So I replaced it with the Air Lift wireless controller system and I'm very happy with it. It has worked flawlessly for over 10 years.

    Very easy to replace.