Grit dog wrote:
So you seal your RV exterior with silicone caulking, or replying to hear yerself speak.
Bottom line, don't use silicone, use a urethane product or something intended for the use.
Speaking of replying to hear yerself speak....:R
I never said that silicone should be used on anyone's RV. I said I used silicone for 22 years, without failures. I also said that I've switched to Dicor for the last 6-7 years, more because everyone says that's what I'm supposed to use than for any other reason.
My initial post in this thread was simply to counter the oft-heard argument that silicone won't stick to itself. In my experience, that's a false statement, proven (albeit to myself) over the course of 22 years. I never even considered that it wouldn't work until I started reading the claims on RV forums, and that was after using it for at least 10-15 years without failure. In fact, a quick google search verifies what I already know to be fact; silicone WILL stick to silicone, quite well in fact, as long as the old silicone is clean (which is required for ANY sealant, including Dicor). Will other sealants stick to silicone? Nope, nor did I ever claim such.
Use what you want, I never said otherwise.