At times we are minimalists when we are not carousing around the country in our luxuriously appointed, squished(that is the name my wife calls all pop-up TC's), TC.
On these minimalist occasions, we go back to the style of camping we have been doing since we were teenagers.

Nice green grass, no bugs, hot showers, we order fresh bread and buns for the morning breakfast,sometimes we score a table and chairs, beer and wine are available at the local store.
TransAlp cycling trip July/13. Austria.
We call this Glenting= Glamorous tenting.

Same style of tent, same mattresses, same stove, same pots.
No hot showers, no fresh food, no booze, lots of bugs, crappy weather, no table and chairs, and no people. Carrying food for 8 days, 165km of hiking.
Great Divide Trail, Michelle Lakes, Canadian Rockies, July/2011
We call this Wenting= Wilderness tenting.
These are the trips that we remember the most.