I installed a camera on my rig, I used cable fishing rods and fish tape to pull the cable through the underbelly of my rig. The camera I used was an old SD wide-angle security camera that came off my house when I upgraded to HD cameras, even the roll of video cable was leftovers, the only money I sank into my setup was like $3 for a toggle switch in the RV for 12v power to the camera, and like $1 for a BNC to RCA video adapter. I pull power for the camera from the RV fuse box, there was an empty unused fuse holder present, and I mounted a power switch right near the fuse box (I also installed an additional 12v cigarette lighter socket), I did luck out in that my fuse box is at the rear of my rig, right by where I mounted the camera.
Our old truck had an aftermarket radio with camera inputs, so that was easy, our new truck has a factory system with backup camera, I am going to have to figure out a way to interface my setup with it (probably not all that hard, most are just using composite video), for now I will probably just get a $20 suction-cup-mount LCD screen until I am comfortable modding our brand new truck LOL.
My camera:

Switch inside: