bkenobi wrote:
I measured 14v between the battery terminals on the converter board with the truck running. The meter above the range indicated charging. The DC outlet by the cab-over shower 13.7v.
This is when you should have then checked batteries directly to see if making it there. Also on AC- find where charge stops. Except for the truck charge also not making it does sound like converter but leaning to something between it and batteries. If it does prove to be converter suggest not replacing it with same unit.
I'm unsure why dealer would suggest solar, bypassing issue instead of addressing. Also unsure on the Parallax 8345, 45 amp converter/charger I would think it would supply a bit more than 2 amps (though max on most charger sections ~5amps). The generator doesn't supply any DC amps-it powers the AC side of converter.
Trimetric or other would be nice but wont solve issue. Well unless it is a matter of drawing more than putting back but doesn't sound like it