Roger10378 wrote:
Anyone should be able to do the install. It is a matter of routing a couple of wiring harnesses and plugging them in. The hardest part is getting to the plug on the transmission.
It’s not that hard to install at all . I installed the banks speedbrake on my 2007 Chevy D\A myself but that said look out for your transmission to start leaking transmission fluid at the connector after the banks harness is installed , the internal side of that connector leaks around the pins and the internal harness has to be replaced to stop the leak , not a huge job but you do have to drop the pan to replace the harness if the pins start leaking after they are disturbed. In my research at the time I learned that it was very common for the fluid to leak past the pins after pulling the connector and reinstalling the banks harness. once the internal harness was replaced the leak stoped and the banks brake worked great for towing a 16k fifth wheel however depending on the settings you use the brake can be very aggressive ,