Ramp Digger wrote:
Thanks for your expert advice.Could you please elaborate briefly on how the Sam Splint is used.Also what do you suggest in case of posionous snake bites?
First Snake bite.
It helps to take along the recently deceased perpetrator of the bite so that the proper antivenom can be administered. Keep the bitten person calm and the bite as low as possible compared to the rest of the body. Call 911 for immediate transport to a hospital. If you are in the boonies with no cell service either send someone for help and do the above while waiting for help of if near the vehicle self transport to the nearest facility (fire station, hospital, doc in the box ) call 911 as soon as you have cell service. I don't have a lot of faith in the old snake bite kit.
SAM Splint It is closed cell foam over a semi rigid internal frame. It can be rolled, molded, twisted etc. With a break or bad sprain it can be molded to match the contours of the affected area ( do not try to straighted out the limb as that may cause further damage) and then taped or wrapped to hold the SAM splint in place and stabilize the limb