JiminDenver wrote:
We started using a 8-D a few seasons ago and the power is addictive as long as you can get past the hassles of size, weight and charging regime. The one thing that concerns me about the Deka 8A8D is that it has auto style post and I would think that it is a starting battery, not a deep cycle.
Our first 8-D was a FLA 8-D deka and while a capacity test proved the Ah's were in it, it didn't last long with us using the microwave, A/C and other heavy loads even if the solar brought it right back up. The power was there, the cycles were not. Then again it would cost a third of what a good AGM deep cycle like the Lifelines 8-Ds we use now do.
Curious. You speak of the charging regimen. Do you mean how long it took to charge it? Or how often. My understanding was that you'd need to charge less frequently, but longer each time. That right?