Feb 19, 2013Explorer
Battery relocation project - BF10.4
At the risk of being accused of trolling (:)) I thought those of you with a BF 10.x might be interested.
I bought my camper without batteries. The original compartment is nice and large with convenient access, right at the starboard aft corner. It seemed a shame to use it for something as mundane as batteries:

Looking around a bit there is some unused room inside for group 27s, but I wanted to use 6V golf cart batteries. There is this access cover on the port forward side with lots of unused room inside. Intended I think for maintenance of the shower P-trap and level indicators? But mainly just unused:

Looked like they would fit in there. A little measurement and sketching and I fabricated this battery tray out of some 1/8 aluminum sheet that was lying around:

I bought my camper without batteries. The original compartment is nice and large with convenient access, right at the starboard aft corner. It seemed a shame to use it for something as mundane as batteries:

Looking around a bit there is some unused room inside for group 27s, but I wanted to use 6V golf cart batteries. There is this access cover on the port forward side with lots of unused room inside. Intended I think for maintenance of the shower P-trap and level indicators? But mainly just unused:

Looked like they would fit in there. A little measurement and sketching and I fabricated this battery tray out of some 1/8 aluminum sheet that was lying around: