Dec-31-2017 05:46 AM
Jan-04-2018 07:14 AM
Jan-04-2018 06:42 AM
jaycocreek wrote:Way back when, when I first hauled a TC, the norm was to use Brophy stake pocket tie downs, chain and hardware store turnbuckles and no one that I know of, ever lost a camper.
Exactly why I have a hard time wrapping my head around a $600 system..Happijac's came with my TC and I am Happi to have them.The whole setup new, can cost more than an older truck camper.
Jan-04-2018 06:37 AM
Jan-04-2018 06:30 AM
Jan-04-2018 06:09 AM
Way back when, when I first hauled a TC, the norm was to use Brophy stake pocket tie downs, chain and hardware store turnbuckles and no one that I know of, ever lost a camper.
Jan-04-2018 05:39 AM
billyray50 wrote:
As far as not drilling holes in ones truck bumper and front of truck box Torklift is better IMHO.
Jan-04-2018 04:59 AM
Jan-03-2018 09:29 AM
billyray50 wrote:
I used Happijacs for years and the system works fine but after buying new truck and not wanting to drill into bumper bought torklift system and Fast guns. The system and Fast guns are so much better. Worth the extra bucks. Wish I went with them earlier.
Jan-03-2018 05:14 AM
Jan-01-2018 12:14 PM
covered wagon wrote:
My fast guns are all made by Henry.:)
Jan-01-2018 07:46 AM
Dec-31-2017 04:25 PM
Dec-31-2017 01:14 PM
Dec-31-2017 12:00 PM
Kayteg1 wrote:
I've been using chain extensions for years and even they might be a bit annoying, new fastguns come with sticker shock.
Are you having old 2 turnbuckles spring-loaded?