Me Again wrote:
"Go outside, set your fronts at 50-55lbs (assuming stock ish size tires) and the rears to 35psi and take a quick test drive." GD
50-55(2270 lbs - 2370 lbs) in the front of a dually is way underinflated if it is a diesel truck assuming 235/80R17Es. Front axle of my 2015 3500 SRW is 5120. Dually will be at that or more as most set nose down. The skinny tires on the front axle need almost the full side wall inflation of 80 PSI to handle the static weight of the front axle. I am surprised the Ron was not all over this???
Now for the rears, that tire at 35 PSI dual is rated at 1570 or 6280 for an empty axle that weighs in at 3-4,000. So at 35 PSI one could still throw a ton of stuff in the bed and not be under inflated. Chris
Chris, you're absolutely correct. My mistake, I confused the OP's dually for a SRW truck based on other posts in this thread. What I recommended IS too low for pizza cutters.
I as well would run 235s on the front of a diesel at higher pressures.
Good catch!