Forum Discussion

MrPhelps's avatar
Sep 17, 2019

Big Brother- Tag on your TC?

"In the last few years traffic systems have been empowered with automated license-plate readers and various government entities have been putting cameras up everywhere, from automated and semi-automated "weigh stations" near the entrance to states down to the corner traffic light. "..

We just completed a trip to Eastern Canada and encountered expressways with toll roads (NY and Pennsylvania in particular) and upon exit there was a toll booth indicating they would read the plate and send a bill. There was not any other way to pay allowed, including using a credit card. I simply had to drive through.

Seems to me, if they want payment they can enable a way for you to pay on the spot, as I was willing to do... without accessing DMV or whatever new AI tools for something this benign.

However, I did not have my ALABAMA vehicle tag on my TC and it is well hidden under the camper overhang on the truck. My front plate honors the "Crimson Tide" so no way to tell from that. Waiting to see if they can figure me out. Its gonna be scary of they do.

..... "Automatic billing"... would be nice to automatically bill the government maintenance folks responsible for trees along the Blue Ridge and Skyline Parkways...Miles of low hanging branches, sometimes on both sides, dodging them until the one that finally cracked my HEKI skylight..