dodge guy wrote:
I wouldnt say its rednecky, rather well thought out. Like I stated its been on the trailer for 10 years no issues. And I have a rear view camera that lets me watch the bikes as well as the road. You can't just drill through the walls without knowing where things are. I do things once. The right way!
Hmm.. OK, don't like "rednecky", then perhaps

Honestly, if I was in the used RV market and saw a trailer with big bolts sticking out of the walls that were never supposed to be there and were never part of the factory build I would be RUNNING as fast as I could away from that trailer.
While I applaud your creativity in trying to find a solution, I don't think it is one for everyone. Requires really finding a "stud" in that wall that is wide enough to accommodate the diameter of said bolt.. RV walls are made with 1x2s and actual size is 3/4 x 1 1/2 IF you are lucky..
That means a 1/4" inch bolt would give you only 1/4" on each side IF you were able to 100% accurately hit that stud in the direct middle AND the stud was straight and plumb AND you also drill it square and plumb..
A long shot at best..
Then you would have to use additional bracing on the inside of the wall like a small steel plate or a huge washer to spread out some of the force.. Failure to do that will result in snapping the wall stud like a twig when you hit a hard bump in the road or tighten the straps too tight (I HAVE hit bumps hard enough to RIP the bathroom mirror right off the wall in the rear of my trailer).
Personally, unless you are well versed with RV structures and or an structural engineer, folks REALLY should consider the non DIY approach rather than your DIY Eye bolt approach and buy the tongue mounted rack or hitch adapter..
It WILL be money well worth spent and you will not harm your trailer or other motorists!