We carried bikes inside our old Jayco Kiwi 17a, very similar in size to your Kodiak 172E. Its doable but a bit of a pain. The bikes have to go in last and come out first. The smaller trailers typcically have a smaller door so you have to be careful taking them in and out.
I temporarily put up the kick stands as I put them in. Then gently tilted them sideways and strategically placed old throw pillows at "scratch" points, like wheel bolts and pedals. Then I wrapped a couple of bungee cords around the frames and wheels to pull them tight together. I made sure the tires were up against the bottom of the cabinetry to minimize bouncing around. It worked well but as I said it was a pain.
That was when we had an SUV. We have a PU now and the bike will travel in the bed of the truck. Besides, my wife doesn't want them inside the new trailer. She's concerned they might damage the couch. And so am I!