Bucky Badger wrote:
ScottG wrote:
It's possible (and all too common) that the vent stack is pushed too far down into the black tank.
If it does it more as the tank fills, that is probably the problem.
Many people say this. But isn't the pipe glued? Or isn't it connected to the cap? Reason I ask is how do you push it back through the roof if it indeed slipped down.
All I know is both of the trailers I've owned have been this way.
The sad part is, it would be dangerous to try and pull it upward even if it will move.
If it were to slip out of the top of the tank there's no guaranty you could push it back in.
We have a new TT coming in a week or two and I plan on sending a camera down there before any use. If I find a plug or the vent is jambed in too far, they're going to fix it.
Aperson could always hire a plumber to do the same thing.