I plan on taking it to a park soon to drain and flush the tank and do more in depth investigation. I was hoping for some suggestions on what I could possibly be. The vent is running up a wall with no access. Is it possible to take one side of the wall off to take a look?
Providing you don't have a defective valve, seal, gasket or vent....
After you finish up at the park and back on the road again.... put several gallons of fresh water back into the tank and then add a cup full of liquid laundry detergent (I use Oxy-Clean) and if you have it, a 1/2 cup of Calgon water softener (optional). When on the road, the soapy solution will act as an agitator and clean the inside of the tank of any residue left after you emptied and flushed the tank. Do this every time you travel and it will reduce or eliminate odors and malfunction sensors. Just flushing out the tank will not remove everything.
You can do this with the gray tank also.