Forum Discussion

lincolnmatthews's avatar
Mar 06, 2015

Bleeding Propane from lg tank to small tanks??

We have about 200 gallons in a rental tank that they won't give us any credit for when we return it. I thought if I took off the reg off the big tank & with the proper hose & fittings that I would be able to fill up my smaller camper tanks, barbecue, etc.(As long as I of course open up the vent screw on the small tank till its full, & shut off the big tank).
I really don't see any problems really doing this, I had this tank by our trailer for a couple of yrs while we were looking after my aging Mother.
The tanks got about 6 months rental left & they won't give me any credit on this either, (kind of one way I think). I don't know maybe all propane companies do this? But I wouldn't think that when a tanks 1/2 full or so that they would just bleed it off into the atmosphere.

Anyway I thought I would check with someone in the know on this site before I "blow" myself up.???? Thanks!!