AFter seeing all of this I am thinking your only so called easier recourse is too put a backing plate inside the trailer and run a new bolt all the way thru the inside wall aligned with the hole in the tent bed door.
On the inside must be wall trim in this area. I dont think it will look all that bad. Won't be nothing sticking in the inside area just a plate with a bolt head.
A carriage bolt going through a back plate with a square hole and the nut and locking washer on the back side od the plate on the inside wall would allow only the treaded part of the carriage to protrude through the whole assy and aligned with the outside door hole where you could use your screw-on knob. You may have to find some screw-on knobs to fit the carriage bolt thread.

Hopefull your inside backing plate can mount into a metal fame part around your door jam on the inside wall. All you would see inside would be maybe a small 2x2 inch plate with a round carriage bolt head showing... Paint that to meet your interior color and no one but you will notice it.
Don't know if you can redo the bolt on the ouside of the door frame or not since all that was sticking inside the outside frame was broke off or pulled out..
The fix of either side is probably going to involve the inside wall some to get to the area from behind the outside frame. ???
This all being submitted in the spirit of fixing something ideas. I know you are pondering for different ideas to use. I'm pretty sure you will not be able to puchase something from a company to fix this without doing something to your trailer wall and door jam frame...
I imagine water leaks from your door seals may have contributed to this. Things like this are always associated with the large doors that slightly warp over time and causes small water leaks around the seals. Just the nature of the beast...
Just thinking outloud here haha...
Roy Ken