what a bunch of silly answers. It will be fine. If the transmission pukes tell Chrysler to replace it...guess what....THEY WILL. It has 160000Km warranty. (managed a Chrysler store so I have knowledge, not speculation like the rest).
If it slows on a hill , punch it and put it in 3rd gear. Will it rev...of course..does that hurt a gas engine...absolutely not..they even put protection to stop you from over revving. It will climb any hill at 65mph.
I have a Rav4 with 4 of us and I load the rav up with mini fridge, Bikes, wood and have towed 10000miles over every hill in NH and had the odd moron pull out in front of me as well and stopped perfectly....Listen to people who have done it not the speculators that run rampant on this site.
Brakes, sure why not if it has them. If the trailer doesn't..well that means the D.O.T. and the trailer manufacture didn't feel it was necessary. My 1800lb dry pup doesn't have them.