Bumpyroad wrote:
dahkota wrote:
Otherwise, it was safer than municipal water as there were no added treatments (fluoride, chlorine, etc.) and no contamination or lead (yes, we had it tested).
Filtering for taste is unrelated to filtering for safety.
yeah, that chlorine is something to worry about. :)
Actually, it is:
"The link between chlorine and bladder and rectal cancers has long been known, but only recently have researchers found a link between common chlorine disinfectant and breast cancer, which affects one out of every eight American women. A recent study conducted in Hartford, Connecticut found that women with breast cancer have 50-60 percent higher levels of organochlorines (chlorine by-products) in their breast tissue than cancer-free women.
But don't think that buying bottled water is any solution. Much of the bottled water for sale in the U.S. comes from public municipal water sources that are often treated with, you guessed it, chlorine. A few cities have switched over to other means of disinfecting their water supplies. Las Vegas, for example, has followed the lead of many European and Canadian cities in switching over to harmless ozone instead of chlorine to disinfect its municipal water supply." (from Scientific American)