Excellent topic. Thought I would weight in; and I think this is my first post. (Yeah, I've been a lurker on here!!!! ;) ) I love the different point of views; are they right for ME, maybe so maybe no. But learning different point of views in MY opinion is how I personally learn and get better at becoming a better TC owner.
I for one do have my TC in my bug out plan if necessary. I do have a dedicated walk in closet in my house that I keep the majority of my supplies in. Five gallon buckets of beans, rice, sugar etc in mylar bags in 5 gallon buckets. Also canned goods such as vegetables, meats, spices, pepper, salt etc. Would I pack it? Depends on how long I plan on being away, or if I was not coming back.....
Also, all my defensive/hunting weapons and ammo in one central location (gun safe/closet)for quick loading in the TC/trailer. Having it in one location will greatly expedite the loading process in my TC/Trailer.
Having everything centrally located for ME is reassuring I would be able to bug out quick. From my military days, (just retired last month :) ) I need action plans. Imagine a disaster looming over your head and trying to pack up your BOV trying to find everything you would need? Total chaos and anarchy? For me anyways I would be rushing around like a rooster with it's head cut off :E. Hence, centralized locations for by bug out/disaster supplies.
I don't keep perishable's in TC since we have freezing winters/hot summers. Plus, I like taking trips in her once a month for hunting/fishing/camping.
I have several plans on where to go, depending on the nature of the emergency. One scenario would be relatives (brothers/sisters/parents) house. I wouldn't won't to inconvenience them, hence showing up with my house on my truck I would live out of during the emergency.
After traveling the world in my military years, I've seen desperate people and what they will do for food/your possessions they don't have. America is fortunate the majority of its citizens have never gone hungry and is hard to imagine starving-to-death, literally. I've seen it first hand, and it ain't a pretty sight. Protect your supplies and property at all cost. Hungry people watching their loved ones starve will be desperate enough to do anything to feed them. Even turning into mindless zombie's :E and trying to take yours.
Is my bug out plan right for you? Probably not. Is it right for me. I'm hoping so... LOL
Will I ever need to bug out? Probably not. But I sure do sleep better at night knowing I have a plan of action in case I do.
Full Disclaimer: The words above is solely my thoughts and humble opinions. Thank you.