Perrysburg Dodgeboy wrote:
Spoon, our Government collects money from it's citizens and private businesses in the form of taxes. Then they turn around and give businesses tax breaks to build plants here in the USA.
So no matter what, you (we) and I are paying for their plant to be built and that $H%T is not right!
And then Toyota pays taxes on the land, pays taxes on the building, pays taxes for its employees, collects taxes on sales, etc etc.
Texas is known as a business friendly state. They did the math and decided that it is better for them to provide tax breaks (in other words, charge LESS in taxes up front) to get a company to Texas. Once that company is in Texas, they figure that the amount of taxes they will collect from that company will offset the cost to Texas and still be profitable to the state of Texas.
That is like Honda selling cheaper motorcycles in the 1980's. They did the math and figured out that they can offer a product for cheaper than the competition. They know that eventually the lower price motorcycle will prove profitable.
Why do you think Texas, amongst other red states, provide these tax breaks? Do you think they are doing it out of the kindness of their hearts??? NO! They are doing it because they know that they will get a decent amount of tax money from that company, though less than in a blue state like Kalifornia.
I don't buy into your argument at all Don. Texas is not propping up Toyota, they are simply offering Toyota a slightly lower tax bill in order to convince Toyota to build a plant in Texas and continually pay taxes in Texas.
It is not like it costs Texas $1 million a year in public funds to allow Toyota to be there, and Toyota is only paying $750,000 of their bill and taxpayers are on the hook for the other $250,000. That is ludicrous if you believe that... I realize those numbers are made up, but I am just using them as an example. I promise you that there is a financial incentive for Texas to do what they do. The state of Texas is coming out ahead in this deal.
By the way, this entire thread is about "built with pride in the USA". What else is made in Texas and gets tax breaks? What else is made in the USA and gets tax breaks? If everyone is supposed to buy your argument that any company that gets a tax break is un-American, what are we supposed to buy?
My father-in-law owns his own contracting company. He gets tax breaks such as depreciation on his work vehicle, tools are tax deductible (another break). Does that mean that I can't support him as an American company because he gets those tax breaks?
Come on Don...