JimK-NY wrote:
billtex wrote:
GVWR is pretty much meaningless for carrying a TC. Rear axle rating (tires/wheels) is what you need to pay attention to. I carry a much heavier camper on SRW F350 gasser. I am within my axle rating by several hundreds pounds on stock Michelin tires.
...... Bill
The GVWR is certainly not "meaningless". Typically that load rating is based on the load capacity of the tires. The stock tires for the OPs truck are 275/65r/18 with a load capacity of 3415 or a combined axle load of 6830. Replacing tires with a larger size might be the first step for upgrading but manufacturers often use rims that are similarly rated so it might be necessary to upgrade rims and wheels. That leaves the shocks and springs which were not designed for the heavier weight. That leads to another round of upgrades. Fact is the camper is too heavy for the truck the OP bought.
You are confusing RAWR with GVWR.