I bought an eagle cap 1165 this year from New Hampshire, and I live in Minnesota. I've bought stuff out of state before, and because of past experience I like to get my eyes on it before parting with my $$. Especially if it is a big ticket item like this. The phone call to the seller left me feeling confident, but still, I googled his name, address, phone number, and email address just to make sure no scam alerts came up. Then I checked on flight info from my location to his. Then called him back, and made a deal over the phone, subject to my inspection. He agreed to hold it until I got there a few days later. Booked the flight, then 2 days later, flew out in the morning, rented a car, checked out the camper, viewed his proof of ownership, wrote up a bill of sale, agreed on free storage at his place for the next month till I came back, wrote him a check, and flew home in the afternoon. So I had many opportunities to back out if anything was awry, but all was legit, and now I was committed. I put full coverage insurance on it right away. Then drove out with my truck and picked it up a month or so later.
I had the cost of the flight at risk, if the deal wouldn't have worked. But that was something I factored into the purchase price I was willing to pay. And in my opinion, buying something this expensive and complicated sight unseen is too risky. Playing ti safe helps me sleep good!
Good luck with your endeavor!