Reddog1 wrote:
tomve wrote:
If you live in California and have a 2011-2013 F350, 6.7L, 4x4, Crew Cab, with a 11500# GVWR. I could really use your help in understanding how your truck was registered in CA. Specifically. were you issued a CVRA decal. If you don't feel comfortable with publishing the info here. Please pm me the information. Thanks inadvance for your help.
With all due respect, have you contacted DMV? My suggestion is that you make an appointment, and go to DMV, ask the question. Only DMV can register a vehicle in California. Many people have made suggestions, even people from other states. Can any of them register your truck? I say no.
I have not contacted DMV as of yet, but plan to. I was isssued a CVRA decal and I'm trying to understand why and collect as much information that I can. I don't see vehicles, specifically Ford F350 pickups displaying the CVRA decals. I'm asking for others experiences with a truck that is similiar to mine.